The Second-Hand Market

The second-hand market is booming, especially for luxury bags. Indeed, this market allows people to resell their bags bought on the designer handbag websites and buy others, but also allows people to buy luxury items cheaper than in stores. For example, it is possible to find a 2.55 Chanel bag between 2,000€ and 3,000€ on resale sites instead of 5,000€ in stores, thus allowing people to buy luxury bags at a lower price. Moreover, some bags such as the iconic Hermes bags are not very accessible in stores, so buying second-hand can be an advantage.

The vintage: bag, clothing that belongs to the past 
Moreover, vintage is more and more fashionable and many vintage pieces are available on the second-hand market. We see more and more fashion influencers and stars wearing vintage bags. Moreover, according to Marie Blanchet, head of the vintage department at Vestiaire Collective "luxury brands such as Gucci, Saint Laurent is inspired by the past".  

Where to buy used luxury bags?

On-site and on-line sales depots (in Paris, Aix en Provence, London, New York) such as "Byluxeparis", "Fifthavenueluxe", "Chelsea Vintage Couture", "Designer Pop-Up Store", "Beyond Retro", "Collector Square" where it is possible to view their second hand bags on the internet but also to go to the store.

Resale bags website ("Vestiaire Collective", "Vide Dressing"). In addition, some sites such as Vestiaire Collective and Vide Dressing check the authenticity of the bags by experts, which allows you to be sure not to buy a counterfeit.

Ebay (there are auctions, negotiate the price) is a website where it is possible to buy second-hand luxury bags. Some are offered at a price that can be negotiated and others are offered at auctions. However, unlike previous websites, Ebay does not verify the authenticity. 

Live Auction sales

In addition, the second-hand market can allow you to find bags at very interesting prices but whose condition is not new or good. In this case, it is possible to have the bags refurbished by professionals, as RenovLuxeParis offers.

What to ask the seller to verify the authenticity of the bag?

Counterfeits are more and more present on the luxury bag market. When you buy second-hand luxury bags on sites such as Ebay, it is important that you ask for an invoice of the bag, the authenticity card. You should also look to see if there is a serial number. These elements can help you avoid a scam.

Take the time to click here to watch this video on the second-hand luxury bag market ! 


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